BuildBinder Blog

How to Integrate Effective Safety Signs to your Construction Site

Safety signs are mandatory for any construction site, but inexperienced customers or passersby may overlook safety warnings. Make sure to follow these simple rules to ensure the safety of all those around your site. 

Construction workers, contractors, and other team members are already very familiar with safety procedures and protocols. However, often times passersby and potential customers are not accustomed to these conditions, so they are endangering themselves in the process. Avoid these hazards with the following simple tips:

Big, bright, visible signs

Rule number one to any kind of warning sign is to use bright, visible colors. We cannot stress this enough. Although it seems obvious, signs sometimes end up hidden behind a tree or covered up by other construction materials. 

Email procedures to customers before their visit

If you have potential buyers, investors or other stakeholders that are not related to construction, make sure to email them safety procedures before their visit to the site. This will ensure that people show up with the proper attire.

On-site reminders

Once stakeholders are on site, constantly remind them about safety procedures. Remember, what you take for granted is quite out of the ordinary for others. 

What to do in case of emergency

Include emergency response information in your safety signs and literature. Also, make sure there is a first aid kit on site. This will come in handy for both experienced and inexperienced visitors.

Although this is all required by law, check your state regulations for the exact rules. Always keep in mind, it is better to have an excess of information when it comes to safety. 

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