BuildBinder Blog

3 Reasons Why You Need Land Surveying Drones

When it takes your team up to a month to do land surveying, you know something needs to change. Drones have certainly made an impact in our present day world, and the construction industry can greatly benefit from them. Here are three reasons why land surveying drones should be your next investment.

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How the right office space can boost employee productivity

When it comes to productivity, having the right office space matters a great deal. When employees feel inspired, are comfortable, and they have the right equipment to do their jobs with, positive results are tangible. Learn more about what you can do to make this happen for your company.

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Stop dismissing issues that are holding your company back

Companies, like people, often have dreams and goals that although held highly with the truest of intentions, never really materialize. This is not because these objectives are impossible to achieve, but because people keep ignoring important details. It's time to roll up your sleeves and take your company to the next level. Focus on the issues at hand and strengthen your business. Read on.


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Problem-Solving in the Workplace: Dos and Don'ts

Team members sometimes have disagreements. Sometimes these issues may be simple differences of opinion or they can escalate quickly. Or perhaps there is a toxic member of your team that is disrupting your workplace. No matter the situation, problem-solving skills are crucial to maintaining harmony and productivity. Here are a few dos and don’ts when it comes to addressing conflicts in your company.

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Work on Your Company's "Why?" and Succeed

It was 2009 when Simon Sinek participated in a TEDx talk. He talked about the "Golden Circle" and the power of defining your company's "Why?". In a world in which innovation is increasingly turning into a commodity, people need a more emotional incentive to cooperate and buy from you. If you aren't sure of your company's "Why?" or you simply have not thought about it, this article is for you. 

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